Partner with Tim and Becky
Reaching the least, lost and forgotten places in the UK
Who are Dignity?
Dignity is a movement that embodies the idea that everyone, everywhere can be used by God to reach their community and build his kingdom. Whoever and wherever we are, we help people share the message of Jesus, address issues of disadvantage and build everyday Christian community that is open to all.

Be part of a pioneering team
Associate Missionaries are those called by God to partner with us to further his kingdom in a particular place or people group. They need a team around them to support, pray, encourage and partner financially. This is good for the Associate Missionaries and replicable around the world. Will you be part of their pioneering team?
Tim and Becky’s Story
In 2019 we were invited to spend time with the Dignity team in Zambia. We were blown away by the people we met and the stories we heard of how God was using ordinary people to share the love of Jesus, build community and address issues of disadvantage in all its forms. We were greatly challenged by what this could look like back home in the UK.
Then in May 2022, we went on holiday to visit Becky’s family in Scotland. We met the owner of a cafe in a village called Southend on the Mull of Kintyre. The owner shared that it was a shame that so many young people don’t grow up with Christian faith. She said she found it hard to get to church and that the local minister was retiring, and the denomination was not sending anyone to replace him. We felt the Lord say to us, “Who cares about this community because I do?”
That night Becky and I talked about what it would take to reach places like Southend. The reality is that the cafe owner’s story is replicated thousands of times in villages and towns across the UK. In the last 10 years over 3,500 churches have closed, primarily in rural places. Jesus has commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations. In the UK there are 46,000 hamlets, villages, towns and cities that all need at least one new community of Christian faith on mission together.
Our mission is to reach the least, lost and forgotten places. By least we mean those with the least access to resources, education and opportunity. By lost we mean those with the least access to the message of Jesus and the life-giving Christian community. And by forgotten, we mean those places we mean those where the church has been but is no longer.
Partner with Tim & Becky
Could you pray for us and the mission?
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Could you support the mission financially?
Would you consider partnering with us financially to make the mission happen?
Do you see a need?
Are you someone who lives in a place like this or do you know someone who does? Please get in touch, we’d love to start a conversation and see if we can help you!
Get in touch