
Reach your community

Village Journey
Village Journey is an in depth, step-by-step guide to starting a Life Group. It will help you follow in the footsteps of the early Christian disciples, finding ways to speak about and show the love and power of Jesus. With practical tasks each week, you and your friends can work with Jesus to expand the kingdom of God by loving your community.
Everyone Everywhere
Imagine a Christian community in every village, town, workplace or people group, led by everyday people joining the mission of God. What would we see God do? Who would come to know Jesus? How would communities change? Everyone Everywhere introduces the ideas behind Life Groups and how they can help us work together to see God’s kingdom break out in our communities.
One Step
One Step will help you gather friends to understand how you can be part of what God is doing and be missionaries where you are! Through 6 interactive sessions, complete with videos and a course book, you will learn how to start and lead a Life Group together.
Foundations builds a robust understanding of the Christian faith, an essential for all Life Groups.
Love Your...
Our Love Your... series are 10-week group studies with a practical emphasis to help Life Groups put their faith into action.
10 Simple Thoughts
Everyone, everywhere, everyday can be used by God to reach their community and build the kingdom. The ten simple thoughts presented here are to guide you as you start a Life Group right where you are. You will have the help of Jesus and His Spirit. You stand with millions who have gone before you.
DownloadEquip your neighbours and friends to reach their communities

Area Journey
Area Journey will help you and your friends to grow and expand the work of your Life Groups by involving others and planting Life Groups. You will also learn how Life Groups can love and disciple those around them.
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Friend on the Journey
Friend on the Journey helps you support people you are discipling in the same way Jesus did.
Plant provides an accessible study for existing groups and inspires and enables multiplication.
Life Group Leaflet
Our Life Group Leaflet shares the simple principles at the heart of every Life Group. If you want to understand or share these in a bite-size format, this leaflet is just what you need.
Pioneer to reach new communities

The Away Kit
The Away Kit equips you to share the simple approach of Life Groups in a short-term mission context.

Mission Together
Mission Together explains how your church or mission organisation can partner with Dignity to add our expertise and learning to the places you are working, together appointing a Mission Pioneer to start movements of people called by God to reach their community.
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