God On The Move in Liberia
On his motorbike, Samson drives as far as he can into the forests around Monrovia. He alights when it’s no longer passable by bike and walks for a few hours to reach the village he’s heading to. In the evenings after work people gather and share stories together. Samson uses this time to tell stories of Jesus, showing the Jesus film if he’s able to borrow a generator and has enough fuel.
For the last 3 years Samson has been working in this way with CRCA to plant churches; he helps people come to know Jesus, gathers them into a group, finds a leader and mentors them to lead the group. A couple of years ago, he came across Dignity and our materials. The idea that the mission he is so committed to could go wider than he can carry it resonated with him. He recognised that giving the mission to the people would allow it to spread deeper into the forest than he could take it himself.
Samson began to use Dignity’s resources as he planted groups, trying them first in Lofa County near his hometown. It’s a less remote area and there are five existing churches. Every third Sunday the congregations come together for fellowship. Now, members of three of these churches also meet midweek as a Life Group, which helps the church cooperate and reach those outside it. Through the group, people have begun to identify with the village. They offer practical help to those with problems in the community and share the love of Jesus with those in need.
"It’s great to see God moving," Samson says. “The churches are no longer just inward-looking. As a result, many things are happening in this town.”
Today there are five Life Groups meeting in Lofa County, led by Erick, Elisabeth, Comfort, Oldpa and Mulpah. Samson has spent time with one which has finished Village Journey and is now studying Foundations 1: Life Begins. They say there were things about the Bible that they didn’t understand, but these books are helping them. Through studying these two Dignity resources, members of the community are coming together to support one another. Alongside this, people - some of whom hadn’t known Jesus - are joining the groups. They continue to attend the group and have got involved in church.
Samson is inviting people in the community to become one family that will get together and help those in need. One example of that is the way the Borkeza Life Group helped an elderly man rebuild his house, moulding the bricks needed (pictured). Another is the way the groups helped a woman who was suddenly widowed. She wasn’t a member of a church and none of her neighbours came to her aid. Members of the Life Group worked together, bringing some essentials, and helping her get back on her feet again.
Samson sees this as a good model. People in the groups are beginning to understand that if they can help others, they can also help themselves in taking responsibility for their Life Group.
“I thought that only pastors or evangelists could handle outreach work properly,” Samson says. “But later the Lord told me that he can use anyone. So, in Borkeza, Lofa County, I chose a young man called Erick who had no leadership position in his congregation. The Lord is using him mightily. He is loved by the churches in our community.”
Using the materials from Dignity and mentored by Samson, Erick is now leading a Life Group. Erick has helped four others to start groups: Elisabeth, Comfort, Oldpa and Mulpah. They have plans to teach others to start more groups as they see they positive impact they are having. Join us in praying with Samson, Erick, Elisabeth, Comfort, Oldpa and Mulpas and the existing groups. Pray as well for more people to step up and work with them to carry the mission to the remote areas Samson has such a heart to reach.