Investing in people
In September, with the aim of sharing the big-picture vision and looking at what activity was happening where, all the Regional Coordinators met in Mkushi. A priority was to discuss how the gap between the various levels – National, Regional and Area – could be bridged. This was achieved to some extent, with further work needed. What they found was that the central team had been unable to meet with and train Regional Coordinators, which was partly because of COVID restrictions. The knock-on effect was that not all Area Coordinators had been trained to the same level. The impact of this on their work had become apparent. However, plans are now in place to try to make sure that every area team is working at the same level.
At the meeting, group lists were updated and now need to be processed. They show growth in newer areas. It was also decided that simplicity of vision would be helpful and that pushing the strategy of local multiplication (where each Life Group plants another), rather than everything coming from the Central Team, would be fruitful. There was a sense that people have been looking to the Central Team to make things happen, both in terms of planning and finances. However, in some areas, notably newer ones, there is evidence of people funding themselves to visit other places. This is a step in the right direction and time was spent sharing ideas to further that development.
‘Having seen what is happening in the regions,’ Bernard says, ‘I think it would be great to see ideas flowing backwards and forwards between regional teams and the central team. Until now, the traffic has been one-way. It has been too much the case that ideas emanate in the centre and are sent out to the regions. My hope is that that is now beginning to change.’