Seeing Life Groups Start Part 2
Jon invited Life Group Members to his home in Mkushi, Zambia. He posed to them a simple question: How have you seen new Life Groups start?Gertrude from Petauke, spoke of a time her Life Group attended a church conference. During the conference there was a Bible quiz. Her Life Group did incredibly well and people became very interested in their answers. The more questions they answered, the more they were noticed and soon people began to ask what their secret was. This gave them an amazing opportunity to talk about Jesus and what Dignity did. They had a few copies of Rooted In Jesus with them and were able to hand it out to several people who were particularly interested.They explained to them that they met every week in the villages and invited them to come along and learn more about the word of God. 3-4 people ended up coming along to the Life Group and stayed there for several weeks before they were encouraged to go out, back to their own village, and begin their own Life Groups there. Equipped with their own copy of Rooted in Jesus, they went out and did exactly that.Gertrude said that the difference Life Groups have made in the lives of individuals as well has been huge. People who would drink and smoke regularly would stop after attending the group. It's amazing to see what a positive influence these groups are having on individual people.Another woman, Rebecca, had a similar story. There was a church leader conference for pastors across her region. She was able to attend and heard one of the church leaders stand up and begin talking about Dignity and Life Groups to the other pastors. One of the pastors approached him afterwards to ask more as he wanted to start a Life Group in his community, and so was invited to attend a Life Group Training.There are so many ways in which we can see Life Groups forming across Zambia and beyond and we pray for more of this!