Snake bites & spiritual warfare

Despite being triggered by a tragic event, great things have been happening in Mkushi.

When a man in the community died from a snake bite, Sally Greyvensteyn decided it was time to begin some spiritual warfare. She set up a Life Group with farm workers and they have recently completed all ten studies of Foundations 1: Life Creates.

‘I’ve prayed regularly for the group,’ Sally says. ‘And it’s all been very exciting. Numbers have increased, and people are growing in their knowledge of Jesus. As a result of our prayers and this study, people are being changed. One man was such a drunkard before, and I can clearly see a difference in him now. He hasn’t missed a session since he started coming.’ 

Some of the Life Group have started reading the Bible, and, as it has worked its way through Foundations 1, even the children have been listening.

‘It's very exciting,’ Sally says.‘I have enjoyed the experience so much. I’ve never led a study like this before. It's so well done, and the fact that it's in Bemba helps such a lot.’ 

By nature, Sally is gentle and has never seen herself as forceful. Now she feels transformed, somebody God is using.  

‘I feel like I am an overcomer in Christ,’ she says. ‘A warrior for Jesus.’

Inspired by Sally's decision to take action?

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