Tribal Justice
Who will defend the poor? Who will stop people taking advantage of them?We believe that God will raise leaders from amongst the poor to defend them, to lead them and to protect them. This a key thought in our approach that seeks to place into the hands of villagers practical tools to grow community, love and transformation.Gervas planted a Life Group in the Lusemfwa group of villages, not far from Mkushi. Their work together for the people have led to them being a first stop for those who are grieved or who need representation. It all began when the village head man, who was a drunk, beat his wife badly. Fortunately, in time she was fine. However, her husband was a wanted man and fled the area.Time and being on the run take their toll and he started to think of his life and decided that it was in a bad state. What would he do?He had fled to the Chibombo area, some 150km away where there are also other Life Groups meeting, and would you believe it, some led by Gervas’s wife Maragaret. This on the run drunkard decided that he would attend. Over 5 months he attended and his life changed. He stopped drinking, he grew as a new Christian and eventually decided that he must return to face the chief and whatever justice would come his way.Returning to Lusemfwa area, he faced the chief, whose first question was to why he had voluntarily returned to face justice. The man explained all that had happened and the chief listened. Keeping his former head man in custody he sent representatives to the Life group to hear all that had happened. Returning they confirmed that he was a changed man and that many people were willing to stand by him. The chief in a lot of wisdom deferred punishment for now.A year later the former head man is re-united with his wife and has never returned to his dark ways. Stories such as this have spread around the area and have led to many attending the group for help.